Sunday, January 18, 2009

External Structure --> Composed in the Composing Room

This poem can be found on page 1043 of the Norton.

After spending some time on this poem, I began to understand the symbols and formulate them into words. The first four lines of the poem were easy to decipher and I therefore did not spend a lot of time on them. In my opinion, Adams purposely made this stanza easy to understand in order to warm the reader up. My guess is backed up by the ending quote which translates "I don't care at all." However, the second stanza was harder to understand. I interpreted it as Adams trying to run away from his problems, because of his "running" and the "Fleeting Hour". I was not able to grasp the full meaning of the third stanza, although the line "all fear of deadly parallels" struck me as extreme. Adams is saying that he doesn't want his writing to parallel with any others, which explains his use of symbols instead of words.
Furthermore, because of these symbols I noticed pauses and understood changes of voice easier. As said in the Norton, I definitely noticed a "musical score for reading". This poem was like a puzzle and I felt accomplished after figuring out the symbols. As also said in the Norton, this poem is for "puzzle-solving pleasure rather than emotional effect."

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